Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Style vs Trends

Fashion and Style are NOT the same thing. Its so comforting when you see something on a rail in a shop and a particular person comes to mind... You know that thought that begins with "wow, this is so......(Name) or (name) would absolutely love this". That person you were thinking of has a sense of STYLE.

Not everyone does though *sad face*... I have friends who I've known for years who just don't have it... I'm not talking about haute couture here, just a mere SENSE of STYLE. Knowing what you looks good on your body, loving a certain designer, a certain era in fashion, a certain colour Something that is distinctly YOU.

There are a lot of people who buy things just because they see them looking good on other people. Unless that person is the same complexion as you, height, weight, bone structure and importantly shape as you, it won't look good on you just because it does on her! As women we need to understand our bodies.

If you are still confused I will give you a free consultation on your body and all them curves, when we are done together we will identify a sense of style for you.

Style comes before trends, only when we get our own style right do we know what fashion makes it into our wardrobes or closets and what doesn't. Let's try and get this right together please.


1 comment:

  1. Lol! I really don't knw hey, I mean I buy a lot and things seem to look good cause I have a fairly good figure but I love prints and border on flashy in a hood sort of way, I think i need to focus more and filter what I really like from what I see hanging on rails and make it work for me. Tx lady!
